Floods Networking

Floods Networking is an Immersive Social Entertainment experience directly from your right hand, coming Summer 2026.

Series A Fundraising Goal

1+ million

Safety Meets Freedom

Floods Networking connects real individuals by verifying they are a true person. This ensures no bots, no anonymous trolls, and promotes safety for every member in our community.

Invest in our Pre-Seed Funding

We incorporate investors into our companies through Vrille’s Founding Principles.

Download Our Pre-Seed Pitch Deck

Immersive Social Entertainment

Real Individuals

With VRI-ID, real individuals are guaranteed on Floods only.

Immersive Networking

Floods Networking is a sophisticated option that is free of the reputation that many social media platforms share.

Safe Networking

Real individuals, localized data storage, and a VRI-ID. Floods takes Safe Networking seriously, ensuring all voices are heard.

Sustainable Development

Vrille’s marketing and partnership offers us exclusive insights into ways we can help shape the foundation of our planet.

Themed Features

Themed Networking is back, must we say more?