The Immersive Social Entertainment Experience
Find clear and concise answers to your most frequent Floods Networking queries.
How can I create an account on Floods Networking?
We are currently in our pre-seed funding phase; we are formally incorporated and pending federal trademark protections.
Is Floods Networking free to use?
Yes, creating an account and connecting with others is completely free with reduced frequencies of advertising when verified using a VRI-ID.
What is a VRI-ID?
A VRI-ID is a concept created by The Vrille Corporation in a 24-hour content management system across all upcoming platforms.
Can I join the Floods Networking Investment Team?
Absolutely! Reach out to our CEO for investing opportunities.
Experience the Next Era of Online Immersion – From your Right Hand
Featured Features
The Stream
Stream video that is created by real individuals without the fear of harassment or judgement.
The Feed
Content, content, content, and more content. What else can we say?

Your Room
Update the community from your very own room. You are free to full customization and sharing of your own space!
Stars by Floods™
Waves by Floods™ offers safety in every conversation with real and verified individuals’ members called Stars.

Interested in investing with us?
Contact us regarding any questions or investing opportunities.